
Recipe Ideas

Here are some meal plans and recipe ideas which use primarily the foods we include in our 3-day emergency food parcel

Some tasty alternatives can be created if you have additional ingredients such as cheese, herbs and spices, oil, condiments, dressings, sauces, fresh salad and seasonings.

Day 1

Breakfast: Instant Coffee and Porridge

Prepare a cup of instant coffee and enjoy it alongside a bowl of porridge made with UHT milk.

Lunch: Tuna Salad Crackers

Drain the tuna fish and mix it with some mayonnaise to make a creamy tuna salad. Serve it on top of crackers.

Dinner: Rice and Vegetable Stir-Fry

Cook rice according to package instructions. In a pan, heat some oil and stir-fry a combination of tinned peas, tinned sweetcorn, and tinned carrots. Add cooked rice and a splash of soy sauce for flavour. Stir-fry until heated through. Serve the vegetable stir-fry over the rice.

Day 2

Breakfast: Rice Pudding

Enjoy a serving of rice pudding made with UHT milk. You can add tinned peaches or tinned pineapple as a topping.

Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Slice the tinned ham and place it on a sandwich along with cheese if available. Serve it between two slices of bread, crackers or crisps.

Dinner: Tomato Soup with Crackers

Heat up a can of tomato soup. Serve it with crackers on the side for dipping.

Day 3

Breakfast: Instant Coffee and Cereal

Prepare a cup of instant coffee. Enjoy it alongside a bowl of cereal with UHT milk.

Lunch: Instant Noodle Stir-Fry

Cook the instant noodles according to the package instructions. Drain the noodles and stir-fry them with tinned peas, tinned carrots, and tinned sweetcorn. You can add some tinned ham or tinned chopped pork for added flavour.

Dinner: Baked Beans and Rice

Heat up a can of baked beans and serve it over cooked rice. You can mix in tinned carrots or tinned sweetcorn for extra variety, and wrap in a tortilla if available for a burrito-style meal.




Meal Plan:

Day 1:

Breakfast:Instant Coffee and Cereal with UHT Milk

Lunch:Tuna Pasta Salad


  • Tuna fish
  • Instant noodles or pasta
  • Tinned sweetcorn
  • Tinned peas


  1. Cook the instant noodles or pasta according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a bowl, mix the cooked noodles/pasta, tuna fish, tinned sweetcorn, and tinned peas.
  3. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired dressing if available.

Dinner: Cheesy Mash


  • Instant mash
  • Tinned peas
  • Tinned sweetcorn
  • Tinned carrots
  • Cheese


  1. Cook the instant mash according to package instructions. Set aside.
  2. In a separate pan, heat the tinned peas, tinned sweetcorn, and tinned carrots.
  3. Mix the cooked instant mash with the heated vegetables and transfer to a baking dish.
  4. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake in the oven until the cheese melts and turns golden.

Day 2:

Breakfast: Instant Coffee and Sponge Puddings

Lunch: Corned Beef Sandwich


  • Corned beef/ meat spread
  • Crackers/Bread if available


  1. Place corned beef or meat spread on a cracker or bread
  2. Repeat for desired number of sandwiches.

Dinner: Tomato Pasta with Ham and Cheese


  • Pasta
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Tinned ham
  • Cheese


  1. Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a separate pan, heat the tinned tomatoes and tinned ham (chopped) to make a sauce.
  3. Add the cooked pasta to the sauce and toss until well-coated.
  4. Serve with grated cheese on top.

Day 3:

Breakfast: Instant Coffee and Porridge with Tinned Peaches

Lunch: Tinned Ham Salad


  • Tinned ham
  • Tinned carrots
  • Tinned sweetcorn
  • Tinned peas


  1. Drain and rinse the tinned carrots, tinned sweetcorn, and tinned peas.
  2. In a bowl, mix the tinned ham (chopped), tinned carrots, tinned sweetcorn, and tinned peas.
  3. Add any desired dressing or seasonings and toss well.

Dinner: Rice with Curry Sauce and Tinned Vegetables


  • Rice
  • Curry sauce
  • Tinned peas
  • Tinned sweetcorn
  • Tinned carrots


  1. Cook the rice according to package instructions. Set aside.
  2. In a separate pan, heat the curry sauce and the tinned peas, tinned sweetcorn, and tinned carrots.
  3. Serve the rice with the curry sauce and tinned vegetables.


Day 1

Breakfast: Instant Coffee with Sponge Puddings

Lunch: Tuna Pasta Salad


  • Tuna fish
  • Pasta
  • Tinned peas
  • Tinned carrots
  • Tinned tomatoes


  1. Cook the pasta according to package instructions.
  2. Drain the pasta and rinse with cold water to cool it down.
  3. In a bowl, combine the tuna fish, tinned peas, tinned carrots, and tinned tomatoes.
  4. Add the cooked pasta to the bowl and mix well.
  5. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired dressing or herbs.

Dinner: Rice with Curry Sauce


  • Rice
  • Curry sauce


  1. Cook the rice according to package instructions.
  2. Heat the curry sauce in a pot.
  3. Serve the curry sauce over cooked rice.

Day 2

Breakfast: Cereal with UHT Milk

Lunch: Tomato and Cheese Pasta


  • Pasta
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Cheese


  1. Cook the pasta according to package instructions.
  2. In a separate pan, heat the tinned tomatoes.
  3. Drain the cooked pasta and add it to the pan with the tomatoes.
  4. Stir in grated cheese and cook until the cheese melts and coats the pasta.
  5. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices.

Dinner: Corned Beef Hash with Tinned Potatoes


  • Corned beef
  • Tinned potatoes
  • Tinned carrots


  1. Drain and rinse the tinned potatoes.
  2. Chop the tinned carrots and tinned potatoes into small cubes.
  3. In a pan, heat the corned beef until slightly browned.
  4. Add the chopped tinned carrots and tinned potatoes to the pan.
  5. Cook until heated through and the flavours meld together.
  6. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices.

Day 3

Breakfast: Porridge with Tinned Peaches


  • Oats
  • UHT milk
  • Tinned peaches


  1. Cook the oats according to package instructions, using UHT milk instead of water for added creaminess.
  2. Serve the cooked oats in a bowl.
  3. Top with sliced tinned peaches.

Lunch: Tuna and Potato Salad


  • Tuna fish
  • Tinned potatoes
  • Tinned sweetcorn


  1. Drain and rinse the tinned potatoes.
  2. In a bowl, combine the tuna fish, tinned potatoes, and tinned sweetcorn.
  3. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired dressing or herbs.
  4. Mix well until all ingredients are evenly coated.

Dinner: Rice and Vegetable Stir-Fry


  • Rice
  • Tinned peas
  • Tinned carrots
  • Tinned sweetcorn


  1. Cook the rice according to package instructions.
  2. In a pan, heat a small amount of oil.
  3. Add the tinned peas, tinned carrots, and tinned sweetcorn to the pan.
  4. Sauté the vegetables until heated through.
  5. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices.
  6. Serve the sautéed vegetables over cooked rice.

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